Join us for the 4th annual
ringgold creek regatta

Registration coming soon

It is going to be a fun morning of paddling/floating along the South Chickamauga Creek through Ringgold. We will start at the Canoe Launch by the Ringgold Nature Trail and float for a couple of hours to the launch behind Ringgold High School. We are encouraging BOATS, but ANY flotation device will work! So you may have a real boat OR you may have an inner tube or a unicorn float! You may want to float individually or create a group float of some sort. There will be Awards for Fastest Float, Slowest Float, Most Creative Float, Most Beautiful Float, etc! This is a community event and we hope lots of folks and families will join us. 

We’ll have some kayaks available to use thanks to Kayak Ringgold!

event schedule:

8:30am – Check-In Begins (this waiver is required of all participants)
9:00am – All participants are IN THE WATER!
9:10am – The Regatta Begins!
11:00ish – Participants start to finish – shuttle begins running
11:30am-1pm – Lunch is served!

Lunch + Shuttle:

As folks come off the creek behind Ringgold High School we’ll bring them and their boats/floats back to their cars by way of a shuttle bus and trailers. Once back at the Ringgold ball fields we’ll feed everyone a free lunch of grilled hotdogs/chips/dessert/drink!

2024 Sponsors


RINGGOLD CREEK REGATTA is a free community event!

WE NEED PARTNERS to help cover the costs of t-shirts.

  • EVENT SPONSOR: A $500 tax-deductible donation entitles your organization/business to be listed publicly
    • On our event Banner
    • On the Ringgold Creek Regatta Website
    • On the back of our event t-shirt
  • T-SHIRT SPONSOR: A $300 tax-deductible donation entitles your organization/business to be listed publicly
    • On the Ringgold Creek Regatta Website
    • On the back of our event t-shirt

The back of the Ringgold Creek Regatta t-shirt also includes event partners: the City of Ringgold, Catoosa County Fire Department, and Thatcher’s Transportation.

By paying you are agreeing to supply a digital copy of your logo and are giving permission for this logo to be printed in bulk.  These logos will be added to our Ringgold Creek Regatta T-Shirt for Advertising purposes.  We plan to print up to 200 t-shirts for this year’s event. 

Your donation should be made payable to LIFT Youth Center, Inc, the 501c3 nonprofit coordinating this free community event.  All donations collected will be used solely for the advertising and supply purposes of this event. We would like all funds to be remitted by May 31, 2024.  

It may be mailed to:
Attn: Ringgold Creek Regatta
7197 Nashville St.
Ringgold, GA 30736

LIFT Youth Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.

Contact Tina Pinkston,, to become an Event Sponsor.


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